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Optimal Performance and Flow

Meeting your goals, engaging with people in your life, balance and mental clarity. Getting out of your head and back into your life. 

Meditation / Experiential Exercise / Performance Psychology / Group Coaching

the work

Focused on maximizing the present while working toward goals, developing resilience in the face of emotionally difficult or physically painful experiences, leveraging personal strengths, and shifting from critical to compassionate inner self-talk.


Inhabiting Your Body

  • The first section of the course establishes the body as the primary focus of attention and platform upon which mindfulness unfolds. It is designed to introduce participants to the experience of mindful awareness of the body, including interoception

Getting Out of Your Own Way and Letting Go

  • The second section is devoted to addressing initial challenges encountered by participants, the universality of the wandering mind and the fruitlessness of trying to stop the mind from wandering. Recognizing “story” and the way in which we think influences how we perform.​

Dancing With Pain and Working with Difficulty (Fear, Stress and Failure)

  • The third section is intended to challenge the notion that avoidance is the best strategy when it comes to difficulty arising (e.g. pain, fear, stress, failure, etc.) and to use the experience of working with the body as a way of grounding oneself in the moment in the face of difficulty.

The Pitfalls of Perfectionism and the Glitch in Goals

  • This final section deals specifically with the contradictory nature of some concepts and attitudes that seem to be positive, but have some hidden limitations. Perfectionism and self-criticism can seem to be good motivators, but research clearly shows that people perform more effectively when motivated by encouragement, reward and self-compassion. Specific exercises and practices will be taught to address these findings and support people in finding optimal ways to motivate themselves and achieve their goals.


  • Develop greater focus and concentration

  • Tap into the power of “flow states” during performance events and everyday life

  • Learn to maximize the present while working toward goals

  • Practice responding wisely to stress 

  • Develop resilience and the ability to be with a wider range of emotionally difficult or physically painful experiences

  • Leverage personal strengths and stretching your personal edges without giving up or burning out

  • Recognize and shift from critical to compassionate inner self talk

  • Process and learn from inevitable mistakes and failures

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